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Elder Care/Patient         Advocacy:



As human beings we are constantly experiecing changing dynamics.  Working through these dynamics within the construct of a family or any type of relationship is crucial to achieve balance, happiness and open and honest communication. Mediation provides individuals a safe space to be guided through these changing forces and to develop tools to communicate effectively with others.


Stacey assists individuals and famiies to resolve differences and create a cooperative atmosphere that can lead to more productive conversations, an evaluation of the options and the creation of a successful plan to ensure consensus.

Elder Care

Preparing for a parent's care or departure is a sensitive process. Fractured relationships within families can make planning for the future and making important decisions more difficult or seem impossible.  Stacey uses her experience working with seniors and their adult children to help navigate the changing roles and expectations of each family member and to help families make unified decisions on a range of issues including living arrangements, home maintenance and finances, among others.


Patient Advocacy

Whether decisions need to be made quickly or you are planning for the future Stacey draws on her personal and professional experience to help families navigate the medical system, treatment plans and the emotional turmoil that often arises when a parent or a close relative is in a medical crises or has just been given the diagnosis of a serious health condition.  A strong family unit ensues better health outcomes for the elders and less stress for their caregivers.

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